Ultra-Shield™ Laminate

Laura SchmidtFinishing, Menu Printing

Have you ever looked at your grocery store rewards membership card and wondered what it’s made of? Most likely, it’s printed paper that was laminated. If you have a project that demands resilience for continued use, then look no further than Ultra‑Shield™. With Ultra‑Shield™, you’re guaranteed protection with one of the most prevalent and durable plastics known to man, PET. What is PET? PET, or Polyethylene Terephthalate, is a lightweight and durable plastic in the polyester family of polymers. You may have seen it used for: soda bottles, peanut butter jars, salad dressing containers, clamshell containers for fruit, clothes, spun as polyester fibers, film for cameras + x-rays, and some to-go food containers. It’s a hard, stiff, strong, and stable material that absorbs little water – making it virtually waterproof. It was first synthesized in the US in the 1940s by chemists attempting to make new textile fibers. It’s used …