Book Printing – Choose the Right Company

Virginia SelkeyPrinting

You finish writing the last chapter of your book and click save. Over the next several months you proofread, proofread and then proofread some more. Years of compiling your story has finally come to an end and you let out a sigh of relief that you’re finally finished. But are you? Now you must decide on which book printer is best suited for your needs. This is after all your baby that you’re handing off to a complete stranger. You need to feel at ease that the book printer will take extra care and attention to your hard work. Below are a few tips to consider when selecting a book printer:


Nothing is more frustrating than trying to call a company and being greeted with an automated attendant making you press 1 to speak to a real person only to go to voicemail. Expect more from your book printer! At Advanced Print & Finishing, we do not have automated recordings; you will always be greeted with a friendly voice. Our customer care team is happy to help you choose which binding style, paper, etc. best suits your book. You will also work directly with the graphics department making the proofing process a breeze.


What’s the difference between a run-of-the-mill book and high quality book?… Materials? Sure. Quality equipment? You bet. Top notch craftsmen with decades of experience? Absolutely. 

Only customers happy with the quality of their books will stick around. Our suggestion is to call your top candidates and ask what percentage of repeat customers they have and the average length of employment for their staff. If 50% or more of their revenue comes from repeat business and their average employee has been on board for more than 10 years I’d say you have found a winner. 


We’ve heard over and over again that other book printers can’t

Deadlines exist for a reason and missed deadlines destroy customer satisfaction, as do excuses. A reliable and trustworthy book printing company will always meet their deadlines. Period. 

Customer satisfaction takes more than meeting deadlines though. It takes attention to detail throughout the entire printing process. Finding a book printing company that prints and finishes in house is certainly a step in the right direction. Finding one that also commits to customer satisfaction right on their website is that giant leap you should be looking for. 

Visit to get started on your book quote today! If you have any questions, give us a call at (770) 542-0667